Doing what I do, I meet the most interesting people! Yesterday, I had the honor of working with a local writer. She is in her late 70s. She has written a book on how to bond with your grandchildren. it is a wonderful book filled with stories on how to bond through activities that are inexpensive, fun, and create lasting memories for children to say, “Do you remember when grandmom…” She took on this latest project while still recovering from brain surgery.

When I asked her how she keeps herself so upbeat, she had these words of wisdom, “When I start feeling sorry for myself, I give myself 15 minutes to feel really sad – even cry if I feel the need. Once that time is up, I must get up and get over it. I then move forward with my day.”

I thought this was an excellent idea that I plan to work into my own toolkit on dealing with life’s ups and downs.