Guard Your Health

No matter what your age, be sure that a priority in your life is to guard your health. Today, with our hectic lives, the actions we should take to guard our health often fall off the calendar.  Make a list of the actions you need to take. Let’s focus on the...

Life’s Jolts

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Pennsylvania Conference for Women held in Philadelphia.  It was a wonderful opportunity to listen and interact with women from many geographic areas, in many different stages of life, experiencing many of life’s...

Keepabout Bags

When I am visiting many of my clients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, I notice that they often have an old canvas bag tied around their walker or one of those wireframe baskets attached to the front. The canvas bags are not made for the walker. They...

Happiness and Creative Pasttimes

On Tuesday, I was visiting an elderly client at an assisted living facility. Since I visit her frequently, I have become friendly with other residents living there. One of the women that I have made friends with, Gertrude, began talking yesterday about her love of...